If there's something I have experience in, it's having stress explode in close quarters.

Not only am I in a field where stress management is practiced with my clients through holistic practice, but i'm also a mom of a special needs son. I've experienced all the UPS and many many DOWNS of stress & the trauma involved, effecting the whole family.
But with every storm comes a silver lining, and in these trying times, I learned some ways to handle it. These are not scientifically proven techniques, but a combination of my personality, things i've picked up from therapists, and my natural instinct in the heat of the moment.
I won't be using fancy terms for my experiences, but instead organizing 3 simple calming strategies when things get crazy. This is a simplified version & more might be written on this in the future, but for now...
I know this might not be possible if you're in a constant cycle, but finding ways to get pockets of time where you're getting cared for, whether it be someone making a snack or meal for you, having time alone in the bedroom folding laundry, with a glass of wine while your husband watches the kids for 30 minutes, a bath, reflexology, alone time of ANY way shape or form, etc.

Starting this routine for you will lengthen your tolerance when you walk back into the stress. Knowing you have a SCHEDULED pocket of peace will be a turning point in your sanity levels, believe me!
If you're not able to get out of the house, make an agreement with your loved one, that you each trade and give each other your preferred pocket of peace. Take time now to define what yours will be and write it down. Each family member can pick what there's will be! If you have a child that's not verbal, add this to their picture schedule & add as many as possible in both scheduled times & to diffuse a stressful moment.
2)Have a visual schedule for your family
I know this takes time and energy, but a scheduled rhythm creates CALM & COMFORT ( you can quote me on that!) When creating a visual schedule, make sure to have scheduled breaks between

work and activities. I tend to use my microwave timer, which works perfectly.
If you have other kids in the house that are either too young, or are not on the same level of cognitive understanding as others, modify & simplify for them. There are great FREE resources online on how to make SOCIAL STORIES or VISUAL SCHEDULES for kids of all ages & levels.
This is not only great for kids but also for adults. Find an adult version HERE.
3) Hone in on the TONE of your voice.
Not only do our words have power, but the tone of our voice does as well! Think about how the tone

of your voice can either TRIGGER an emotional episode or DIFFUSE the situation. This is a practiced skill through many many trials & errors, but worth the effort. Read more HERE.
There's so much more that can written on this but I wanted to keep it simple, so you're able to remember and hopefully implement at least one or more of these simple & effective steps to creating more peace & less stress in your home. You have the ability and power to not only shift & renew your levels of peace, but you also have the ability to create peace in the stress filled environment you might be in. Be encouraged & don't try to be perfect. Just continue to get back up & try again!
Please Subscribe & share this with anyone you know, who might benefit! I'd also love for you to join my online community here, if you'd like to follow on Peace Roots' journey!

Kat Romett is a certified reflexologist & founder of Peace Roots Reflexology. She also owns & operates Peace Roots Apothecary, helping reduce stress through whole plant herbal & mineral bodycare.
Being a mom of two boys, one being special needs, Kat understands the importance of 'caring for the caretaker'. In a world of stress & chaos, it is so important to create peace & wellness inside, so you can than create peace in the stress filled environments you walk in daily.
Her family currently resides in Montgomery County, Pa.